• Fleissen & Company Limited

Natural Gas Measurement & Fiscal Metering

Tuesday 11 Nov 2025 - Friday 14 Nov 2025

Count Down:

Course Overview

This training is for any personnel who is new to natural gas measurement and metering activities in the oil and gas sector. There are two critical parameters when dealing with the value of natural gas: quality and quantity. The quantity and quality of natural gas must be measured for operational and fiscal purposes. The conditions under which natural gas measurement devices operate are usually unsteady because of the variation in fluid properties and flow conditions. This instability and variation in the behavior of natural gas affect how flow measurement equipment performs in service.

Critical to understanding natural gas flow measurement is the fundamental principles upon which measurement devices operate. The physical properties of natural gas are critical to the performance of flow measurement and metering devices. To adequately operate natural gas measurement, the field personnel must understand the fundamentals of natural gas measurement; and then build this understanding all the way to advanced levels. This course covers natural gas flow measurement basics and provides the foundation for understanding what constitutes the best petroleum measurement practices. The training would refer to international standards such as API MPMS, ISO, AGA, BS, ASME, and ASTM.

Learning Objectives:

Understand the physical properties and behavior of natural gas, gas flow in pipes, and the application of gas laws in metering.


Learn about gas quality measurement, including technology for temperature, pressure, density, and the measurement of heating value using gas chromatography.


Grasp basic measurement concepts and their application in evaluating the performance of flow measurement and metering systems.


Explore different types of meters and their selection criteria, along with regulatory requirements and international best practices.


Gain knowledge of inspection, proving/calibration processes, and best practices for instrument calibration and flow meter proving.


Understand operational issues and the application of metering in sales gas and custody transfer, gas accounting, and the role of good measurement practices in gas pipeline operation operations.

Learning Outcomes


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Familiarize themselves with technologies used for natural gas measurement.


Apply basic measurement concepts and effectively communicate technically.


Recognize that the measurement of natural gas involves not only the flow meter but also secondary measurement devices.


Demonstrate an understanding of how fluid flow dynamics impact the performance of gas metering.


Explain the influence of the physical properties of natural gas on flow measurement and flow meter performance.


Describe the factors and reasons for meter proving and the information obtained during the process.

Course Modules







Understanding the natural gas system

Understanding metering

application–process and commercials operations



Understanding natural gas flow properties, gas flow, and the physical laws

Physical properties and behavior


Natural gas flow in pipes


Review of gas laws and application in gas metering


Gas quality measurement

Measurement technology for temperature, pressure, and density


Measurement of heating value: Gas chromatography–theory, application, calibration and reporting



Flow measurement concepts

Measurement units


Basic measurement concepts and their application to understanding the performance of flow measurement and metering system: errors, rangeability, repeatability, accuracy, uncertainty, etc.


Natural gas flow measurement principles

Types of meters—DP meter (orifice, venturi, etc.), USM, Coriolis, displacement meters, turbine gas meters, thermal mass, vortex, etc.) 


Meter selection and design criteria


Inspection, proving/calibration processes, and best practices

Instrument calibration


Flow meter proving

Best practices



Operational issues and metering application

Sales gas metering/custody transfer metering requirement


Introduction to gas accounting 


Overview of gas transmission network operational issues and the role of good measurement practices


Course delivery method

The course will be delivered using PPT presentations, case studies, group exercises, and field trip.

